Mobile health visit in West Palm Beach offers convenience for individuals who want to get tested for an STD. Did you know that more than 20 million new cases of STDs are reported each year? If you do that math, that’s about 110 million Americans suffering from STDs equating to one third of the total population.
Several factors contribute to this statistic, and it doesn’t help that majority of STD patients are asymptomatic. One study shows that 66% of positive cases were from patients who did not manifest any symptoms. The best way to stop the spread of STD is to get tested not just for your sexual health but for those around you.

STD Testing: Why You Need It
#1. Virgins Can Also Get an STD
The term “virgin” can have different interpretations. Some people consider those who’ve never experienced vaginal intercourse as virgins. While others describe a virgin as someone who has never had any form of intimate contact including anal and oral sex.
Interestingly, even if a person has not had vaginal intercourse, they could still get an STI. Remember that STIs can be spread through skin-to-skin contact. Examples are STIs that are spread through skin contact are syphilis, herpes simplex virus (HSV), and human papillomavirus (HPV). Sexually transmissible conditions, like oral herpes, can even be passed between family members through casual affection.
Oral herpes is easily identified based on its physical symptoms. You should be tested for oral herpes if you develop symptoms after having oral sex with a "virgin” to determine if it’s caused by HSV.
#2 Monogamous Partners Can Get an STD
Just because you’re confident that your partner is loyal and monogamous doesn’t mean you don’t need to get tested. In fact, even married people are advised to get tested now unless they were screened for STI at the very start of their relationship. STIs are tricky because many people who have one don’t even know that they are infected. If symptoms appear years later, this can cause a problem between partners.
It’s important to get screened before engaging in a sexual relationship so that you and your partner will know where you stand. This also helps avoid cheating accusations.
#3 It’s Never Too Late
One common misconception about STD testing is that people don’t think getting tested is necessary if they’ve already had unprotected sex. Even if you’ve already engaged in such activity, it doesn’t mean you cannot prevent an STI. STIs don't necessarily spread every time you have sex with someone who is infected.
#4 You Can’t Get Treatment Unless You Are Diagnosed
An STI diagnosis is something no one wants to hear. But, knowing if you have an STI is so much better than not having an idea at all. How can you be treated if you’re not diagnosed? Some STIs are easier to treat when they are detected early like HIV.
#5 Not All STIs Show Symptoms
One of the reasons why people don’t want to get tested is because they think it’s a waste of time, effort, and money. Besides, why would they get screened if they don’t have any symptoms?
Surprise, surprise! Most STIs do not cause symptoms. In fact, 70% of patients with chlamydia are asymptomatic. So yes, even if you think you are completely healthy because you’re asymptomatic doesn’t mean you don’t have STI. If you have STI and not know it, you could be passing it on to other people.

Learn About Mobile Health Visit in West Palm Beach
Remember, anyone can be a victim of STI. For your peace of mind, we recommend you get yourself tested especially if you engage in sexual activities with multiple partners. At MedForce Mobile, we offer STD testing. We are fully aware that visiting the ER could lead to hassles and inconveniences, especially if you have trouble securing transportation. If you need to get tested, we’re just a call or quick visit away.