lab testing



Viruses are everywhere around us. The CDC estimates that viruses cause anywhere from 9 to 41 million illnesses every single year. If you’ve been infected by a virus, MedForce Mobile is here to give you the treatment you need.

what is a virus?

Viruses are microscopic, contagious agents comprised of a strand of DNA or RNA and encased in a protein coat. Viruses are not living organisms in the traditional sense and can only replicate by infecting cells to make copies of themselves. This process of replication often causes damage to the host organism.

what are common viruses treated at urgent care centers?

Viruses are predominantly known for causing diseases and significant outbreaks of illness. Most notably, in recent memory, the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a coronavirus. However, viruses are the most common biological bodies on earth, outnumbering bacteria by an estimated 10:1 ratio.

For this reason, viruses are one of the most common reasons people visit an urgent care center. Some of the viruses we treat include:

why do i need treatment for a virus?

Treating a viral infection is essential to maintain your overall health. Even mild viruses can cause some serious health conditions without treatment because they can continue to replicate if left unchecked. Seeking treatment for viruses also prevents you from spreading it to your friends and family.

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Virus molecules.

do you need treatment for a virus in west palm beach, florida?

Get the treatment you need to start feeling like yourself again. The team at MedForce Mobile is here to deliver the exceptional care you deserve. Call today to learn more!

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